
Comply with deforestation legislation and create transparency until the first mile.


Comply with deforestation legislation and create transparency until the first mile.

The challenge

A large part of sustainability impact of consumer products is made in ‘the first mile’ of supply chains: in primary production. Traders, connecting both ends of the supply chain, have to protect their business. They want to stay in control of what data on their production facilities they share with their customers. Full end-to-end transparency of high-risk supply chains is not possible today because:

Not digitally identified

Millions of (smallholder) farmers and producers are not digitally identified.

Different interests

Transparency requires collaboration but supply chain actors have different interests.

It's expensive

Transparency is costly, complete transparency requires connecting data from different sources.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Become compliant

The focus of is to map deforestation risk in commodities used for consumer products, like soy, palm oil and cocoa. As a next step the concept and technology will be tested to use for fair value distribution linked to living wages and living income.

The technology is especially interesting for retailers who have committed to deforestation pledges, need (verified) answers from commodity traders and cooperatives that are not willing and/or able to share the private details of their business partners. Think of high-risk products like: soy, coffee, cacao, palm oil, nuts, oil etc. The is developed to allow suppliers to identify their supply chain facilities for free, hide vulnerable business assets and deliver deforestation related answers to their customers.

How? At the core, provides an interrogation method for one end of the supply chain (buying organization) to ask essential deforestation questions to the other end of the supply chain (first mile, farmers, small holders). While at the same time respecting the need for traders and cooperatives to protect the identity of their business partners.

FAQ was founded for traders and cooperatives to identify their supply chain facilities for free, hide vulnerable business assets and deliver verified facts to measure progress on positive impact, for example on CO2 reduction, deforestation and living wages. Suppliers can demonstrate their willingness to deliver transparency and compliance, while respecting their need to guarantee privacy of actors in the supply chain.

We are taking action to create end-to-end transparency by offering three key services: free facility passports for smallholders and other supply chain actors, automated access to all existing verified safety and sustainability databases, and an interface that protects commercially sensitive information. 

The technology is especially interesting for retailers who have committed to deforestation pledges, need (verified) answers from commodity traders and or cooperatives that are not willing and/or able to share the private details of their business partners. allows traders and/or cooperatives to demonstrate their willingness to deliver transparency, while respecting their need for privacy.

The is free to use, because we believe that only then real transparency in end-to-end value chains can be reached.

No, right now it has only been tested in the food industry but can be applied in the whole FMCG market.

The is available for everyone in the supply chain. It mainly was founded for traders and cooperatives, to identify their supply chain facilities and deliver verified facts for free while hiding vulnerable business assets.